Archive for March 30th, 2010


Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Welcome to The Cluttered Desk! 

Its purpose?  To entertain and inform. 

The audience?  Primarily teachers, but really anyone who could use a chuckle now and then.

The content?  You will find humorous (hopefully) musings, links to useful math and science activities, and my own little spin on education news, be it ridiculous or amazing, interesting or insane.

You won’t see anything illicit here.  I have no desire to give even more attention to the bad news that inevitably crosses our television screens and computer monitors every day.  However, we are talking about humor here, and sadly, sarcasm seems to be my default setting.

SO… even though I would never intentionally hurt another person’s feelings, it is probably going to happen from time to time.  It won’t be on purpose, and I’ll probably feel bad when I hear about it.  But eventually I’ll get over it and keep on writing.  I never learn.  Ask my wife, she’ll tell you!

For those who really want to know…  The Cluttered Desk began as the email newsletter of Just Us ( in February of 2003.  It was last published in May 2007, and has been on hiatus since then as we made the adjustment to running Just Us Fonts as a full time business.    Which was bad news for our 3500 subscribers. 

Thank you to those of you who have written and encouraged us to bring The Cluttered Desk back into circulation.  We have missed you too.  The blog format should prove to be much easier to follow and distribute, making it a much more useful tool and source of entertainment for you all.

Comments anyone?!  Please feel free to comment and express your own ideas and opinions.  But please, be nice and show respect for the other readers and subscribers.  The rules for comments are simple:

  • No profanity
  • No advertising
  • Links should relate to teachers or the discussion at hand.  They will be heavily moderated.
  • Be nice

Come back often, tell your friends, and most of all… ENJOY!

P.S.  “The Cluttered Desk” archives can be viewed at